Cleaned up Anatolian province culture/religion in some of the later start dates.Differentiated the Coat of Arms for Kingdom of Kiev and Empire of Rus.Added decision to form the Russian Tsardom early.Renamed a title to Empire of Rus to strengthen the intended connection to the historical Kievan Rus.Modders should now get an error if they add history commands that marry characters that have not been born yet.(Characters, Societies, Artifacts, Provinces, Dynasties, Great Works) Improved debug tooltip (charinfo console command) for a number of objects that utilize scripted flags and variables.Added support for custom_modifier_text in modifier fields.All scope types should now be saved as global event targets.Added set_dynasty_name effect, sets the name of the scoped character's dynasty to the right hand side string/localisation key.The following values can now be exported to variables: num_of_subrealm_temples, num_of_subrealm_tribes, num_of_subrealm_empty_provinces, num_of_demesne_castles, num_of_demesne_cities, num_of_demesne_temples, num_of_demesne_tribes, num_of_demesne_empty_provinces, and total_years_played.Added unit_graphical_culture, unit_graphical_cultures override for unit models in culture database.

Added a description of what the colors indicate in the map mode for China.The societies view will now show the player's current society when opened, if they have one.Prosperity events now take Great Works into its calculation.Construction technology now has a Great Work cost modifier.Architect trait now has a Great Work cost modifier.Reduced the strength of the vassalized mercenary companies.Added Great Works Feature allowing independent rulers to take on massive construction projects.